Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Cellulites develop righ after puberty.The normal fat within our skin pushes through the network of connective tissue and creates these pockets of bulging fat. As fat accumulates, it causes the skin to appear lumpy, rippled and even cottage cheese-like in texture.There is no easy way to get rid of cellulites.cardiovascular activity can help reduce cellulites: running,jogging,biking,exercising that perticular part of th ebody where celulite occurs.
 Hormones play a dominant role in the formation of cellulite. Estrogen may be the important hormone to initiate and aggravate cellulite. However, there has been no reliable clinical evidence to support such a claim. Other hormones, including insulin, the catecholamines adrenaline and noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin, are all believed to participate in the development of cellulite.

Quick fixes for cellulite

• Stop smoking. Studies suggest that smoking can weaken the skin and damage the connective tissue that causes the dimpling effect.
• Toss the tight panties (we’re talking Spanx here, ladies), which can limit blood flow. Instead, try a cotton thong to reduce the impact.
• Try a body bronzer or tinted self-tanner to visually smooth out uneven skin.Bath and Body works has amazing skin bronzer/lotion that gives it a nice gentle glow.

Lunges ( My favorite) are great for targeting both the upper thighs and the buttocks area, and are even great for getting rid of excess fat on the inside of the legs. There are several variations of lunges that can be performed, including front lunges, side lunges, or even walking lunges using small hand weights. You can choose your favorite type or even try all three, since you will be targeting several muscles within your legs and buttocks area. Try starting out with about 10 repetitions each set for a total of three sets, and work your way up to 20 lunges per set once you have given your body a chance to adjust to the new workout.
Stretching before and after any type of workout is not only great for your entire body, but is great for making sure that your workout will target your cellulite areas. Stretching will help to warm up your muscles and increase circulation throughout the body, making it easier to burn fat and break up the connective tissues that have resulted in cellulite. Your stretching routine should last for at least ten minutes, and should focus on the areas where cellulite is most common. Stretching the lower back, buttocks, and lower extremities is essential, since it will help to increase circulation and make it much easier to workout. It will also help to prevent your muscles from feeling sore after your workout, so you can maintain a regular routine without having to take a day off.

  Remember to consult with a health care professional before starting any new fitness programs.

Credits: Wikipedia,Best Health.

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