Monday, May 28, 2012

Hungry much?

How to loose weight? 


How to loose weight? This question many wonder,some think they already know the answer.
Is starving yourself key to weight loss? Is "juice diet" proper and healthiest way to go? My personal opinion is that both of those "solutions" are FAIL and heres why: Starvation diet may work for you for about three to 6 months.At the beginning of starvation diet you start to loose water and water ONLY! Since water takes a significant percentage in our weight we might think we're actualy loosing fat,which is FALSE,you might look less bloated and will become dehydrated.
I was In high school junior year,it was somewhere in May or June( Spring break) when I decided to go on a "Diet." I would eat only dinner without the bread,whatever My mom prepared and durning the day I would snack on a Kinder chocolate or any type of sweets I found laying in the house.Of course I wouldnt eat the entire candy bar,only enough to give me energy to continue.I was young,wanting to look thinner and had no CLUE about proper nutrients.Upon returning to school many envied my weight loss and asked for advice on how to loose weight.I would respond " No bread,diet" the fact is,I was startving myself.
The point here is that you cant continue to starve yourself forever! Soon or later you will become tired of starvation,tired from lack of carbs,dehydration,lack of vitamins etc etc and you may even end up in hopsital!

Juice diets: Are also one of the fails just like starvation diet. Even if you make it through the entire cleanse without cheating, the feeling of deprivation may be so strong that as soon as the cleanse is over, you can't help but grab nachos, a burger, fries, and a brownie sundae, consuming more calories in one meal than you normally would have in an entire day before you embarked on the cleanse.

Messes with metabolism: A typical juice cleanse lasts anywhere from three to seven days (or sometimes longer), where you drink 32 to 64 ounces of freshly pressed fruit and vegetable juice each day. When your body doesn't get the all the nutrients (or the amount of calories) it's used to, it stresses out because it thinks it's starving. Often the body reacts to this by slowing down its metabolism, which can make losing weight harder in the future. And while juicing is an easy way to deliver phytonutrients to the body, the fruit-based juices tend to be high in sugar, which can negatively affect insulin levels in the body.

 And keep in mind that the older you get the harder it is to loose weight. It's not a myth that weight loss gets harder as you get older. Women who have children later in life might have a harder time shedding the pregnancy weight. However, even people trying to lose just a few pounds will have a harder time at 40 than they did at 20. As the body changes, so should your weight loss system.

To shed lbs the heathy way is done by exercise and clean eating . Educate yourself about nutrients,join the gym,go for walk in the park,visit health sites for healhy recipes. Study shows that the perosn who exercises regulary has less potential to eat junk food.

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